- Album Release
- January 26 2022
$HOR1 WINBOYが自身の誕生日である1月26日(水)にファースト・アルバム『STAR』をメモリアル・リリース
代表曲「Honey Bunny」のリミックスにSALU参加
アルバムから先行リリースとなる、韓国の女性ラッパーYuzionをフィーチャリングした「Rock Star」が、AN&YURIとのダンス動画と連動し盛り上がる最中、$HOR1 WINBOYが遂にファースト・アルバム『STAR』をドロップ 。
TikTokでのバズでSNS/ユース世代を中心に人気を誇る代表曲「Honey Bunny」のリミックスにSALUが参加。そのSALUも自身の代表曲“「First Dates」の続編”とコメント、彼氏~パパ目線まで幅広い世代に愛されること必至のデート・ソングに 。
さらに「Message」には韓国からもう一人、Jay Parkとの「GREEN LIGHT」などのヒットを持つPLUMAも ! そして$HOR1 WINBOYならではの魅力、ダンス・パートも盛り込んだ「Take Me Higher」はダンス・ミュージック・シーンで活躍するMATZがプロデュース。RYUJA、XLII、R.I.Kもプロデュース参加。
騒ぎまくりな「POW POW!!!」から切ないラヴ・ソング「距離」、「俺なら大丈夫」など、全曲スター級 !
●推薦コメント from SALU●
$HOR1 WINBOY君のことを家族に教えてもらってよく話題にしていたところ、
僕の「First Dates」を聴いてオファーをくれたということでとても嬉しいです。
“「First Dates」の続き”を意識して書いてみました。
是非「Honey Bunny (Remix)[feat. SALU]」聴いて下さい!(SALU)
アーティスト : $HOR1 WINBOY (ショウリ・ウィンボーイ)
タイトル : STAR (スター)
01. Take Me Higher (Produced by MATZ)
02. Go Go Star (Produced by R.I.K)
03. Rock Star (feat. Yuzion) (Produced by RYUJA)
04. POW POW!!! (Produced by R.I.K)
05. Feel (Produced by XLII)
06. Only My Girl (Produced by R.I.K)
07. Message (feat. PLUMA) (Produced by R.I.K)
08. She's a Keeper (Produced by R.I.K)
09. Honey Bunny (Remix)[feat. SALU]
10. 距離 (Produced by XLII)
11. 俺なら大丈夫 (Produced by XLII)
各種配信サービス ▶ https://lnk.to/SW_STAR
●$HOR1 WINBOY本人による全曲解説●
1.Take Me Higher
2.Go Go Star
3.Rock Star feat.Yuzion
Yuzionから最強なverseが届いてバッチバチに頭振りました笑 お互い自分は自分 ! みたいな感情がこもっていて大好きです。
4.POW POW!!!
6.Only My Girl
7. Message feat.PLUMA
8.She's a Keeper
9. Honey Bunny (Remix) [feat. SALU]
自分の原点です。これは普段日常会話で言うと、ちょっと恥ずかしいようなことをストレートに伝えている楽曲になっています。 SALUさんにも本当に素敵なverseをけっていただきました。
●Commentary by $HOR1 WINBOY [English]●
1.Take Me Higher
In this song I’m singing about a strong feeling that I want to improve myself, not only for me but also for my family, my friends, my girlfriend, and the people all around me.
2.Go Go Star
I used to feel embarrassment about myself before, but now I’m proud of myself and feel like everything’s going to be alright. This is the song about that kind of feeling.
3.Rock Star feat.Yuzion
So many people are doing stupid things in this world, I feel like “Who the hell are you?” I wrote this song for those kinds of people who doesn’t have an opinion. I was so excited when I have received amazing verse part from Yuzion, I think this is the best combination which is two individualities perfectly get together.
4.POW POW!!!
I just wanted to lift people up and enjoy it,
Let’s have fun!
This song inspired by the day I drove home with my friend. The sunset was so beautiful that day, I wanted to make chill driving song while open the window and feel the breeze.
6.Only My Girl
I want people to listen this song when drive at nighttime, I think it’s also good to listen when you’re on a date.
7. Message feat.PLUMA
This song is about the ideal lover with the bright future can’t wait.
It’s a song with pure heart, PLUMA’s flow in rap is amazing as well. I’m going to share Japanese translation soon.
8.She's a Keeper
I think couples who have been together for more than two years could understand what I am singing in this song? It’s about a mature love.
9. Honey Bunny (Remix) [feat. SALU]
This is where all it begins. The lyrics are something I wouldn’t say usually, but I can say anything in my mind through the song making. Big thanks for SALU, verse is so amazing.
The breakup song after a long-distance relationship. I wrote this when my friend broke up with his ex, I knew how hard it is because I’m the one who having a long-distance relationship as well.
If I think something is right, I’m the person who goes for it, never stop.
Because I know best who I am. hope this song help the people who got frustrated.